Sexual Assault

Sex Crimes Defenses

Sex Crimes are Complex

We Defend the Alleged Sex Offender Even if He / She is Guilty

Defending those charged with sexual assault is a difficult task due to the complex nature of the crime, the emotional outcry from the media, and the prosecution’s adverse portrayal of the person accused. It is rare to find a criminal defense law firm who has the experience, resources and training necessary to win these emotionally charged cases.

That is why it is of the utmost importance that you speak with a law firm who has extensive experience and success in dealing with these types of cases. By working closely with private investigators and expert witnesses, your sex crimes attorney, Adam Weiner, has developed a comprehensive understanding of how the sex crimes cases operate and will develop a unique defense strategy specifically tailored to the facts of you individual sex crimes case.

We shield our clients from the media.

Adam Weiner has handled many high-profile sex crimes cases. Our clients come from all walks of life and have been referred to us by our attorneys, former clients and mental health professionals familiar with our outstanding reputation and track record of success.

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    We Know How to Defend All Sex Crime Cases

    There are numerous sex related offenses that are criminalized under the California Penal Code. These include:

    • Annoyance or molestation of child under 18 years of age – PC 647.6
    • Lewd act upon a child under 14 years old – PC 288 (a)
    • Lewd act upon a child under 14 by means of force, violence, duress, menace or fear – PC 288 (b)(1)
    • Lewd act upon a child under 14 or 15 years – PC 288 (c)(1)
    • Rape – PC 261
    • Statutory rape (consensual intercourse with someone under the age of 18) – PC 261.5
    • Obligation to register as a sex offender with the local police – PC 290
    • Possession of obscene material (child pornography) – PC 311
    • Indecent exposure – PC 314
    • Oral copulation – PC 288a
    • Lewd act in public place – PC 647 (a)
    • Solicitation of prostitution – PC 647 (b)
    • Sexual battery (forcible sexual activity other than intercourse) – PC 243.4
    • Sodomy – PC 286

    If you or your loved one is facing serious time behind bars due to sex crime allegations in California, call us now.

    If you are convicted of a sexual offense in California, you face a potentially lengthy jail or prison sentence and strict probationary terms depending upon the nature and circumstances of the offense. In addition, the court may require you to register as a sex offender under California Penal Code section 290. This duty requires you to annually update your registration with a local law enforcement as long as you work, live or attend school in California. Your name, address, and photograph will also be released to the public on a sexual offender website run by the Department of Justice. If you fail to register as a sex offender, you can face an additional criminal charge for violating Penal Code section 290. The stigma as being classified as a sex offender can be devastating for both your personal and professional life. An experienced sex crimes attorney, Adam Weiner can vigorously fight for your chance to avoid this harmful criminal consequence.

    Adam Weiner stands up for you and takes care of your sex crimes immediately. When you retain Adam Weiner to defend you at the earliest of your case, we can make arrangements to minimize the embarrassment and pain of being prosecuted for a sex crime. Rather than allowing you to be arrested at home or at work, we can contact law enforcement and attempt to arrange for you to turn yourself in. We can attempt to have you released on your own recognizance or on significantly reduced bail. In some cases, we can negotiate with prosecutors before charges are filed, convincing them to file less serious charges than law enforcement requested, or sometimes no charges at all.

    When defending a client against sex crime charges, Adam Weiner mounts a thorough defense by often arranging a psychological evaluation of the client. Many times, this evaluation shows that the client doesn’t fit the sexual profile of the crime he or she is charged with. We will also often list the assistance of medical experts to review medical records as well as investigators to interview key witnesses. In some cases, we are able uncover a past history of dishonesty on the accuser’s partĀ or evidence that the accuser has a motive to lie.

    Child Molestation

    Convictions of child molestation charges are very serious. Aside from mandatory prison time, probation, and restitution, those convicted must register as sex offenders for life. Many are also sentenced to on-going counseling.

    California’s penal code imposes at least eight years for each felony count of lewd or lascivious acts with a minor under the age of 14. And each act is a separate felony charge. Further, in California, sexual intercourse or sodomy with a child 10 years or under is punishable in state prison for up to 25 years to life.

    Aside from criminal charges, offenders may be open to civil suits resulting in more restitution.

    If you are accused of child molestation, the sooner you contact an attorney the better. You need an experienced attorney who can help you navigate the judicial system.

    Child Pornography – 311.1 – 312.7

    If you are charged with possession of child pornography, the prosecution must prove that you possessed the materials knowing that they showed minors under the age of 18 engaging in or simulating a sexual act. This includes sexting, posting electronic images, etc.

    This is not a charge to take lightly, as a conviction will completely change your life. Punishment of possession of child pornography is punishable in State and Federal Court with finesĀ and requiring you to register as a sex offender for the rest of your life. This can be for minor infractions of “harmless” snap chat photos, to much more substantial incidences. Be proactive. Speak to our attorney before discussing your case with anyone. Call Adam Weiner. He knows the system and will vigorously defend you to make sure you rights are protected.